Tips on Pest Free Home

- Ensure your children do not eat snacks on their bed or fall asleep while licking sweets.
- Do not leave bottle, can or used glass cup for wine/soft drinks at your bedside over-night except water. This is to avoid ants entering ear en route to the brain or nose.
- Avoid leaving late-night snacks (popcorn, cake, biscuit, chocolate wrappers, small chops) on stool/couch or the floor overnight.
- Do not leave dirty dishes in sinks overnight.
- Do not keep a waste bin with organic waste (food/fruit) in your kitchen overnight.
- Clean food/oil spill from cooking gas and surfaces after cooking.
- Mopping of kitchen floor is ideal after dinner rather than the following day.
- Make sure garbage cans and recycle bins are sealed/covered and place far from your home/kitchen entrance.
- Seal up any entry holes and opening in doors/windows of your home.
- Remove any paper, woodpiles or debris around your home.
- Make use of antiseptic wipes/liquid of your choice in mopping, cleaning toilets/kitchen.